Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And even more.....

This is the drywall process - my brother came over and helped us - actually saved us. He has been a tremendous help. It's been a slow process but we know it's getting done right and done just the way we want it.

The corner where the "men" are debating what to do is my new scrap corner - it's gonna be perfect when we are done. Behind the framing is a big storage room and I have another one directly across from it.

Marcus is standing in front of what will be our big entertainment centre (indented wall area). He thinks that Santa will be bringing a big screen tv for that spot! Oh please Santa please - I've been a really good girl this year.

We are making progress

Well we are making progress - halfway there I think. At least that's what I like to think, it makes me feel we will be done sooner than later.

This is our electrician - it's a blurry shot but he was a little shocked I'd take his picture while working - I told him get used it I'm a scrapper!